Prehistoric And Primitive Man (HC) (P)
Prehistoric And Primitive Man (HC) (P)
Andreas Lommel
Age (years) : 10 - 99
Landmarks of the World's Art - Cave Paintings, Totems, Jewellery, Masks, Pottery, Textiles. 200 illustrations, 103 in full colour. Primitive cultures survive in many parts of the world. The unswerving traditionalism of their art goes back not to fumbling beginnings, but to the masterpieces of cave painting, twelve thousand years before Christ, which still enthrall us today. The sculpture, painting, and ornaments which have come down to us from our primeval ancestors are a massive record of the images, obsessions and triumphs of the early, heroic stages of human development. They are of the deepest interest to modern civilized man for in them he can recognize reflections of his own innermost instincts and urges.
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